Impact Academy

Work on student-driven teams and make a lasting difference in our city.

Tackle real-world problems and put solutions to the test while gaining skills transferable to any job sector.

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About Impact Academy

Conceived as the ultimate internship experience, Impact Academy sets you on a mission to make a big difference for yourself and Tulsa by working in teams to find and solve worthwhile problems in the Tulsa community.

During this paid (yes, paid!) 9-week program, you’ll work closely with talented mentors and a project team of students just like you.

This internship program is for students finishing their first or second year at a community college or four-year university. We would love to see students from Tulsa apply!

How it works

Meeting every weekday for 9 weeks, programming will include:

Full cohort learning seminars, panels, and workshops with local leaders
Project problem-solving sessions with focus area mentors
Group and individual project research sessions meeting and interviewing local stakeholders and organizations
Group and individual work sessions
Project presentations

Impact Academy 2025 is launching soon. Here are the details:

January 13 - Applications open!
February 21 - Applications due!
March 3 - Interviews begin!
March 12 - Offers made!

Who it's for:

First-year and second-year students in college! If you are finishing up your first year of college, this is your opportunity to apply.
Open to and relevant for all majors/minors
Students interested in tackling social problems with innovative solutions
People with a passion for Tulsa and making a difference (bonus points if you are from Tulsa)

What's in it for you:

Meet and learn from leaders in civic, philanthropic, entrepreneurial, and social service organizations.

Experience a problem-solving curriculum — great prep for any future career field.

Connect with numerous organizations with the potential for subsequent internship or employment opportunities.

Complete a project case study worthy of listing on your resume and discussing in job interviews.

Create friendships with other local college students, setting the foundation for strong social circles following graduation.

Experience Tulsa in a completely new way, opening your eyes to the city’s potential and gaining perspective into its future trajectory.

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